Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sarah Palin did not shoot anyone!


We’re being brainwashed by the media!  Why?

When I first heard the news about the shooting in Tucson, my heart stopped – just as it had the day I first heard similar horrific news from Columbine, and then from Fort Hood.  Cable news, as always, pounced on this latest tragedy and that’s all we heard all day from the media with far more alacrity than facts!  As the news spun on and on, I kept hearing Sarah Palin’s name mentioned more and more often from the media. Why?  “ What on earth,” I kept asking myself,  “did Sarah Palin have to do with this dreadful shooting?  It was some deranged man who did this; not Sarah Palin!”

And now, many newscasters, political pundits and politicizing sheriffs later – I am still asking myself the same question: What did Sarah Palin have to do with it?  When John McCain first announced Sarah Palin as his vice presidential candidate, no one had ever heard of her.  As that particular campaign wore on, a family friend was telling us that he had joined a support group for Sarah Palin.  My first reaction was: “But, she’s dumb as a post!”  The shocked look on our friend’s face told me immediately that I had offended him.  I was surprised myself at my own rude outburst! Where had that come from?  How could I carelessly offend such a good friend; a friend whom my husband and I both know to be a fine Christian man?  He's an amazing friend who came to our rescue without even being asked to during last winter’s awful snow storm with its 5-day power outage that shut down my husband’s oxygen machine, leaving him perilously close to running out of spare oxygen tanks.  Our friend got himself out of a warm bed, borrowed a neighbor's Hummer, made his way through all the snow and ice over virtually impassible country roads to bring a huge emergency oxygen tank to our rescue!  And here I was being a jerk; being  rude to him over his personal choice of a political candidate.  Where did my dumb, stupid,  rude,  mean outburst come from?! 

Indeed, I had to figure it out for myself as I consciously listened much more closely to all the news – from CNN to FOX,  radio, and Internet as well.  Where had my anger come from?  Where had my opinion of Sarah Palin come from?  I have to confess that after all my research I had to admit it: I had been brainwashed!  The news blaring along in the background of my home life had seeped into my subconscious somehow.  It became obvious that the media just did not like Sarah Palin.  Why?  Why wage such an insipid HATE campaign against this tiny little Mom and working Governor of Alaska?  She could have easily been glorified – just as the press so obviously did for other candidates.  Why  the  hate campaign against Sarah Palin?  Why?  Surely not just because she is a woman?  Surely not because she holds strong conservative family values?  Surely not because she believes in the tenets of the Republican Party?  And surely not because she is not a Harvard Blue Blood Elite; just a working Mom, raising a family while serving as Governor of the big state of Alaska?  And surely not because she is obviously very strong in her religious beliefs?

Well, after spending a lot of time with this personal research project of mine, I can report back to you, my friends, that this one sentence sums it all up; tells you WHY there is a hate campaign still being waged against Sarah Palin by the  media:

Sarah Palin is a Patriotic Conservative Republican Family Woman of Faith.

Yep, my friends, that’s it; that's exactly what she claims to be, and in all honesty IS.  And that's why she's under attack.  You may agree with every hateful word spoken against Sarah Palin, but for Heaven’s sake, make sure THAT is your own opinion!  Make sure you have not been brainwashed.  If you do not like Sarah Palin for any political reason or for any “personal” reason, please just make sure that it’s your reason for not liking her; and not the hate propaganda we’ve all been force- fed by the media.  Read her books.  Please.  Read “Going Rogue” to see for yourself that even some of the Republican campaign people were moles (or something even more despicable than that) who set about to undermine Sarah right along with the liberal media!  (Where were you John McCain when all that sniping was going on?)  And please read  “America By Heart” to come to your own conclusions about Sarah.  I’m just asking you to be fair,  read her books, ask your own questions, and come to your own conclusions.  And, please, do not have the news on all day as background noise in your home or workplace!  When you do consciously tune into the news, please keep your mind attuned for truth, not just someone else’s opinion.  That’s not news.  That’s propaganda.  We do not need any more hateful propaganda in the United States of America.

This blog was drafted and posted by Freda E. Barry