Wednesday, May 25, 2011

That pesky little thing called "Racism"

I think we all agree that racism is a terrible thing. As a nation, we have made painful, hard historical progress against the disgraceful practice of slavery in times long gone.  As a people, both black and white, we have made honorable personal efforts to overcome racism in the USA. But that terrible human flaw remains still part and parcel of the fabric of our current political media-scape and I, for one, am getting pretty tired of it!

Name any group of immigrants to this nation, from Irish, to Jews, to Hispanics, Vietnamese, we have all been the brunt of mindless, thoughtless, ignorant, evil racism. The Democrats and the Obama administration seem to think only Black Americans have suffered from racism  Now we see blatant name-calling of "racist" being used by the Democrats of the Far Left as a "new" form of political attack:  A powerful weapon to be carried on the campaign trail. If you disagree with any of Obama's policies, you are tagged "racist." If you don't agree with any opinion of any Democrat, you are called a "racist" and the drive-by media and celebrities proudly "play the race card" against you!

The terms have become the weapons of choice in today's world. Where does it come from, I surely do not  know, but I do know it is learned. There is a learning process from childhood that creates racists and bigots. Maybe we are all bigots to some degree, that is human nature and it cannot be legislated away. You can levy fines and arrest people for acts of bigotry and racism, but you cannot legislate against emotions. Maybe it's time to strip away all the veneers of plastic and lies of Obama style opaque transparency and find out where it is coming from. When any one is tagged over and over again as a racist, other people start to believe it!  The lie, repeated often enough (shades of the Clintons!) is all too quickly perceived as the "truth."

I think it's time to look at who is throwing this awful slanderous term around so often these days. It's time to see who the real bigots and racists are today. Let's look at the following video to see just where this propaganda is coming from and I think you won't be surprised:

Do you hear the voices of Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Van Jones, and Malcolm X behind the shameful tirades in this video?  Maybe Michele and Barack need to visit the poverty-stricken Native Indian reservations that still exist in our country, the storm-ravaged states of Alabama, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas to see real hard times! They both need a reality check!  Stop the vacations and stay home, there is work to do. There are millions of poor people struggling in our country right now and we won't even go into how many elderly citizens live in poverty, people who worked all their lives and end up with nothing, so buck up and quit whining.

Yes, racism, bigotry and prejudice still thrive in our country and in fact it is worldwide. You cannot wish it away nor can you legislate it away. We can only keep fighting against it; not giving it any room to grow in our children's mind-set of acceptable behavior.  How can we teach them, if our own leaders are such blatant instigators?  Shame on them! They need to be role models, uniting our nation, bringing back our jobs and restoring our healthy economy -- not tearing us apart with this madness.  Now, the next presidential election campaign has started (has it ever died down over the past two years?) and I believe it will probably be the dirtiest campaign in our history.  Let's carefully consider the source of any "racist" tag slung during this next race and try to get past all the negativity, the hatred, the anger, the name-calling, and Chicago-style politics, and ask ourselves over and over again: Can we afford FOUR more years of this?