Monday, June 27, 2011

Did you see this on the mainstream media?

We have all seen how the mainstream media viciously attacks the Right. The MSM has become so blatantly liberal, the public has become practically immune to their continuously vitriolic propaganda against any and all Conservative Republicans. Remember all the MSM's incessant attacks against President G.W. Bush? We know G.W. does not deserve the stupid lout label constantly pasted on him by the MSM.  The man, after all, mastered the task of becoming an awesome jet fighter pilot, and history will be far more favorable to the Bush presidency than they will be to  the current embarrassment occupying the White House.

Lately, however, the MSM has gone too far; way over the line in their attacks against any and all female Conservative Republicans.  Sarah Palin has actually gained fans because she has not only survived liberal media attacks, but actually looks really good next to the MSM's ignorant, mean, blatantly biased propaganda attacks against her.  Now, Michele Bachmann has just entered the presidential campaign arena, and has already been labeled a "flake."  Anyone remember any media attacks against Hillary when she was a presidential candidate?  Was she above reproach because of her liberal, lesbian, bi-sexual coat of PC armor? Any happily married, conservative female politician is obviously considered "fair game" for the MSM mean machine.  Too bad, they have not given ANY attention to all the obviously dumb remarks, ignorant utterances, and embarrassing mistakes made by our current chief politician.

Recently, a brilliant video produced by
showed the obvious differences between media coverage of Sarah Palin compared to coverage (or lack thereof) of Obummer the Obumbler. Thank you for giving me a great jumping off point for my shortened, edited version shared with you here.  And because the Liberal MSM so enjoys their mean biased "fun" at someone else's expense, let's see how they like it when the brilliance of their fearless leader is put on display. Believe me you won't see this anywhere in the mainstream media.  Enjoy.